Browse Items (28 total) Browse All Search Items Collection: Oral Histories of Claiborne Avenue of 3 Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Leah Chase, Women's Cooking and Restaurants Michael White gives a history of jazz and civil rights in New Orleans, focusing on the 1890s as a pivotal decade. Michael White on the culture of individuality among New Orleans musicians. White: "Jazz overcomes your invisibility but it’s also a way of collectively celebrating African American culture." Sidney Barthelemey clip 1 Sidney Barthelemy discusses a hoped for revival of Claiborne Avenue and laments political divisions Sidney Barthelemy gives his memory of Mardi Gras on Claiborne Avenue Sidney Barthelemy recounts resentment of the interstate Sidney Barthelemy states the importance of Claiborne Avenue to African Americans in New Orleans, saying "Claiborne was the Canal Street for us." Browse All Search Items Collection: Oral Histories of Claiborne Avenue of 3 Sort by: Title Creator Date Added Output Formats atom, dcmes-xml, json, omeka-xml, rss2